Discipline literally means ‘to teach.’

Positive discipline means you respect, listen, and reward good behavior with love. With discipline, your child learns self-control. With self-control comes self-confidence and self-esteem.

Follow these eight points to teach kids right from wrong over time:

  1. Be a good role model. Your kids are watching you and your actions speak louder than words.
  2. Be consistent. Whatever rule or limit you set, you must stick to it. Don’t back down to avoid conflict.
  3. Be calm and brief. The less you react, yell or lecture, the better. Make your comment short and sweet.
  4. Be quick. Don’t wait to discipline your child even if you are out in public. He won’t remember why he’s being disciplined if you wait until later.
  5. Pick your battles. Decide which behaviors are serious enough to discipline and decide which ones to let go.
  6. Be realistic. How long is your child really willing to endure running errands or you taking a phone call? If you have reasonable expectations, your child will act out less!
  7. Catch your child being good! Your child craves your attention. Kids prefer positive attention like hugs and praise, but they’ll also accept negative attention like you screaming and yelling. So if you praise your child for cleaning up his toys, you’ll see more of that behavior and he won’t have to resort to naughty behaviors to get you to notice him.
  8. Remind your child that you love her. The behavior is bad but never tell a child that she is bad. After you’re done with your discipline moment, say something nice and give her a hug. It shows that you’re ready to move on and not dwell on the issue.

Article Source: http://www.parents.com/kids/discipline/what-is-positive-discipline/